Contractor Resources

Doing Business with Us

About Contractor Resources

The Alameda County Public Works Agency (ACPWA) wants business owners to be aware of programs and resources that are available across a number of professional and service categories. We value relationships with the Alameda County community, and we are proud to offer several ways for us to collaborate with local businesses.

Plans and Specifications

Plans and specifications for all current contracting opportunities may be viewed and purchased by any prospective bidder online at:

Or by contacting any of the following:

East Bay Blue Print
1745 14th Avenue
Oakland, CA 94606

Central Blue Print
17132 - East 14th Street

Custom Blue Print
1944 Mt. Diablo Boulevard
Walnut Creek

DBE Program

ACPWA is committed to the participation of Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) firms in its contracting opportunities. The DBE Program applies to all federally-funded projects.

The main objectives of the DBE Program are:

  • To ensure that small DBE firms can compete fairly for federally funded projects
  • To ensure that only eligible firms participate as a DBE firm
  • To assist DBE firms in competing outside of the DBE Program

Please visit the California Unified Certification Program's Website for details, including:

  • Criteria for DBE eligibility
  • Application process and forms
  • CUCP Roster of Certifying Agencies

SLEB Program

The Small, Local and Emerging Business (SLEB) program is designed to enhance contracting and procurement opportunities for small, local and emerging businesses within Alameda County by providing up to 10% bid preferences on eligible contracts. The program was developed to promote and foster inclusiveness, diversity and economic development, as well as provide on-going evaluation to ensure that all local businesses are provided equal opportunities in County contracting and procurement activities.

Alameda County SLEB program Website

Alameda County Contractor Technical Assistance Program (CTAP)   

Alameda County’s Contractor Technical Assistance Program (CTAP) puts County construction contracts in reach for smaller, local vendors.

The CTAP program removes barriers historically faced by minority businesses while ensuring that the County gets the best use of taxpayer dollars through more competitive bidding.

CTAP support includes bonding assistance, capacity building and connections for diverse businesses.

Contractor Technical Assistance Program Website

Countywide Contracting Opportunities

Explore County contracting opportunities in goods, services and construction in greater Alameda County here.