The Adopt-A-Spot program is a partnership between the Alameda County Public Works Agency and residents and businesses. The program is an opportunity for individuals, neighborhood groups, civic organizations, and businesses to be a part of beautifying and maintaining their neighborhoods.
Get Involved
Joining the Adopt-A-Spot program is easy. If you're interested in volunteering with us, simply complete and submit the application form below.
How It Works
The core functions of adopting a spot are to remove litter, weeds, and other unwanted vegetation; to paint over graffiti; and to maintain wildlife habitats. It is especially important to remove debris from storm drain inlets, gutters, and sidewalks, especially during winter storms, to ensure proper storm water runoff and help prevent localized flooding.
The process is simple- ACPWA provides free, labeled trash bags to all volunteers in the program. Trash is placed into the bags and then volunteers call ACPWA at 510-670-5500 to pick up the bags within 48 hours.
The Alameda County Flood Control District runs a program called Adopt-A-Creek. This program follows the same basic parameters as the Adopt-A-Spot program, but focuses specifically on restoration and maintenance of creeks and waterways.
Learn more about this program on the Alameda County Flood Control District website.