About Storm Drain Clean Up
In order to keep our waterways clean and healthy, the Alameda County Public Works Agency adheres to all regional clean water mandates, as well as the Federal Clean Water Act. We work with the Clean Water Program to help maintain clear and safe waterways throughout the Bay Area. There are a number of storm drains with trash capturing devices installed to help limit what goes into the San Francisco Bay and thereby help us adhere to local and national clean water mandates.
Request Storm Drain Services
If you have concerns about clogged drains, blocked grates, or other storm drain-related issues in unincorporated areas of Alameda County, please submit a Service Request Form.
Create Request
Did You Know?
The thousands of storm drains and dozens of pump stations that make up our flood control system are maintained by the Alameda County Public Works Maintenance and Operations Department. To learn more about how we keep waterways safe, contact us at 510-670-5480.