ACPWA is responsible for the maintenance of 473 centerline miles of county streets and roads. With a focus on safety, sustainability, and preservation of county roads, the Agency deploys various maintenance practices to accomplish its goals. Maintaining pavement surfaces, pothole patching, shoulder maintenance, guardrail repair, and striping are some of the activities involved in road infrastructure maintenance.
Pavement & Shoulder Maintenance Program
ACPWA Pavement & Shoulder Maintenance Program is intended to promote the safe, efficient, and sustainable operations of county roads and bridges by consistently maintaining guardrails, roadside drainage, traffic signs, roadway striping, bridge deck and pavement preservation.

Traffic Signs & Pavement Marking
ACPWA maintains 19,000 regulatory and street name signs; and 470 pavement markings.

Chip Seal
Chip sealing is the process of pavement preservation whereby a layer of liquid asphalt and aggregate is applied to a roadway extending the life of the roadway.

Guardrail Repair
Guardrails barriers are used to redirect vehicles away from more hazardous object and are among the most basic roadside safety features on the County’s roadways.
Traffic Signal and Street Light Maintenance and Operations
Alameda Public Works Agency is responsible for the maintenance and operations of over 97 traffic signals and over 20,000 streetlights. The Program is intended to ensure that traffic signals and streetlights within county right-of-way operate and function properly, providing safe and efficient traffic operations as well as well-lighted streets and neighborhoods.
Traffic Signal Maintenance
ACPWA operates and maintains traffic signals ensuring the their safe, reliable, and efficient operation thus promoting the safety of drivers, bicyclists and pedestrians.

Street Light Maintenance
ACPWA Street Light Maintenance program ensures the safe illumination of County roadways throughout unincorporated Alameda County.