Estudillo Canal Tide Gate

Project Overview

The Estudillo Canal Reconstruction Project will rebuild the aging tide gate structure. A portion of the south levee will be modified to allow high stormwater flows during major storm events. Stormwater will be diverted into adjacent City of San Leandro ponds for temporary storage until that water can flow back into the canal. The completion of this District project, along with a City lead project at Neptune Drive, will enable the submission of a Letter of Map Revision to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to remove the community from a recently mapped 100-year floodplain.

Project Features

  • New, reconstructed tide gate structure with larger rectangular flap gates
  • New concrete bridge structure 
  • South levee modification for improved flood protection

CIP Category

Major Maintenance & Capacity Improvement Project

Construction Start Date

To be determined. The District submitted funding application to FEMA in March 2021 and is awaiting for FEMA’s determination on application approval.



The design phase has been completed. Both the City of San Leandro and the District have submitted FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program funding applications.  FEMA is still going through the application review process. 

Project Location

Estudillo Canal reconstruction work is from downstream of Union Pacific Railroad and west of Wicks Boulevard to the bay. The City lead portion of the project is along the shoreline from Marina Boulevard to 300 feet north, just west of Neptune Drive in San Leandro.

 Estudillio Canal


District 3 

Project Manager

Moses Tsang


For more information email or call (510) 670-6549.  Click here to receive e-mail updates.