Project Overview
The Mission Boulevard Corridor Improvement Project extends from Highway 238 to Rose Street (Hayward City Limit) in the Cherryland community of Unincorporated Alameda County.
In the first phase of this corridor improvement project, overhead utilities will be relocated underground within the project limits. In the second phase of the project, streetscape and multimodal transportation improvements will be installed to revitalize the corridor. The overall project includes undergrounding of overhead wires, removal of utility poles and overhead wires, improving pedestrian space, and enhancing ADA accessibility. The project also includes enhancing crosswalks, improving transit stops, new street lighting, improvements to storm water quality, planting new street trees for shade and comfort, and constructing new raised separated bikeways.
When completed, motorists, pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, and residents within the Cherryland community will enjoy a revitalized, safe and accessible commercial corridor.
Project Features
Utility Underground District No. 16
- Relocation of existing underground utilities
- Undergrounding of overhead utilities
- Fiber optic conduit
Streetscape Improvements
- New sidewalks and enhanced crosswalks
- New bikeways
- Intersection bulb-outs
- Pavement resurfacing
- Pedestrian-scale lighting
- New street trees
- Bus boarding islands
- Decorative street furnishings
- Public Art Installations
- Removal of utility poles
Community Outreach

CIP Category
Major Infrastructure Improvement Project
Construction Start Date
Streetscape Improvements - To be determined
Underground Utility District is under construction.
Streetscape improvements are currently in the design phase.
Project Location
Mission Boulevard from I-238 to Rose Street
District 4
Project Manager
Amber Lo, Supervising Civil Engineer