Project Overview
The Alameda County Public Works Agency is pleased to announce the completion of the Hesperian Blvd. Corridor Improvement Project, which extends from the I-880 (near Embers Way) overcrossing to A Street in the San Lorenzo community. The Project implements multimodal transportation improvements with enhanced safety features including advanced traffic light technology, wider sidewalks and bike lanes, as well as high visibility crosswalks and lighting. Motorists, pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, and residents within this San Lorenzo community will enjoy a revitalized, safe and accessible commercial corridor.
Project Features
- Wider sidewalks with aesthetic elements
- Class II buffered bicycle lanes with green pavement markings
- Corridor beautification and sign installation
- High visibility crosswalk treatments
- Street trees and landscaping
- Underground fiberoptic conduit
- Roadway and pedestrian lighting
- Pavement rehabilitation
- Transit priority system
- Adaptive traffic signal control technology
- Public art
Community Outreach
A Ribbon Cutting Ceremony was held on Saturday, February 4, 2023. View photos on the follow link
- Press Release -- May 6, 2022
- Press Release -- November 10, 2020
- Fact Sheet
- Presentation -- November 2020

CIP Category
Major Infrastructure Improvement Project
Construction Start Date
September 2020
This project has been completed.
Project Location
Hesperian Corridor between the Interstate 880 (I-880) overcrossing and A Street
District 3
Project Manager
Amber Lo, Supervising Civil Engineer
For more information, please email or call the construction hotline at (510) 670-5591. Click here to receive e-mail updates.